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Object ID: 1331 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 1953
Description: 1953 New Ulm American Legion No. 1 Team Photo
Org/Loc: New Ulm
Org/Entity: American Legion Baseball
Sport: Baseball
Team Nickname: Legion
Gender: Male
Conf/League: N/A
Original Type: Photo Positive
Group ID: Am Legion Bbl Gold or #1
Other Information: 1953 team photo for no. 1 American Legion team. L-R, front: Tom Traurig, Ron Schleif, Ray Schnobrich, Jim Wolf, John Klotz, Lowell Brand. Back: Coach Ray Manderfeld, Kenneth Brueske, John Breu, Mike Fesenmaier, Dave Ramnes, Donald Herbeck, LeRoy Domeier, Jerry Fesenmaier and manager Joe Herbeck Jr. Team won sub-district by beating Lamberton 10-2 and St. James 10-6. In the district tournament New Ulm lost to Wells 3-1.