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Object ID: 1529 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 1912
Description: 1912 New Ulm Pirates baseball team
Org/Loc: New Ulm
Org/Entity: Independent/General
Sport: Baseball
Team Nickname: Pirates
Gender: Female
Conf/League: None or Undetermined
Original Type: Printing Negative
Group ID: Early Teams Assemblage
Other Information: Digital image on DVD object 1520. Hard copy file in NUSC file system #7. Limited quality. Reputed to be New Ulm's first state championship baseball team. A newspaper clipping which gave photo credits to the St. Paul Pioneer Press reported: The Pirates won the state championship game against Fairmont when Heine Ahrens was manager in 1916.There is further confusion as the article continues: The picture was taken in 1912 when the Pirates defeated New Ulm Athletic Club for the title. L-r, back row: Fred Schweppe, Eddie Berg, William Burke, Cleve Oetting, Frank Schaefer. Second row: Gus Kleinschmidt, Ewald Kuester, pitcher; manager Henry Ahrens, scorekeeper William Kuester and Cornelius burk. St. Paul Pioneer Press photo.