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Object ID: 1544 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 19120821
Description: 1912 baseball action New Ulm Pirates vs Morgan
Org/Loc: Morgan 154
Org/Entity: Mn Amaeur Baseball Organization
Sport: Baseball
Team Nickname: Pirates
Gender: Male
Conf/League: None or Undetermined
Original Type: Photo Positive
Group ID: N/A
Other Information: Baseball game at what appears to be New Ulm fairgrounds diamond between New Ulm Pirates and Morgan's baseball team. Action shows what appears to be New Ulm batter swinging at pitch from Morgan pitcher who may have been Ben Jones. Crowd lines the baselines in front of the fairground grandstand. Note the suits and hats and hats and long dresses for the ladies. Picture provided by Bill Reitter, son of Jack Reitter who was involved in the game. A second picture as the next Object number, will show the hillside bluffs on the west edge of New Ulm.