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Object ID: 1667 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 195905
Description: 1959 New Ulm High School baseball team receives treats during state tournament run.
Org/Loc: New Ulm
Org/Entity: High School
Sport: Baseball
Team Nickname: Eagles
Gender: Male
Conf/League: South Central
Original Type: Copy Machine
Group ID: N/A
Other Information: During the 1959 run by New Ulm High School Eagles, treats were given after several games en route to the tournament. L-R: Players Wenzel Wiesner, Dave Silcox, Nils Iverson, Ken Cordes, Glen Plagge, Orv Ulrich. The girls providing the treats were Kathy Herrick, left, and Valene Wieland, right. Photo copy provided courtesy of Steve Marquardt.