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Object ID: 1712 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 1950
Description: Circa 1950 Group picture of KNUJ Staff
Org/Loc: New Ulm
Org/Entity: Business/Industry
Sport: z-
Team Nickname: KNUJ A.M and F.M
Gender: Undesignated
Conf/League: War Years 1941-1969
Original Type: Photo Positive
Group ID: N/A
Other Information: Reconstructed photo of one of original staff groups of KNUJ including administration, sales and announcers. Likely in early 1950's after station went on air. Finished product is an upgrade from a series of prints available of this group. Negative has not been located. Also available on CD. Reconstruction involved replacing individual head shots if eyes were closed, etc. Also available in scanned image on CD same as included with this object. Identification incomplete. L-R, front: Charlotte Dahl, continuity; (?) Schnobrich, administration; Patty Wiegeman (sp), continuity, (? Unidentified. Second row: George Korenchen, sales; Warren Ascher, sales; Dennis Hayes, Announcer; Wally (?) Haas, engineering; Vern Wiegman, announcer. Back: Bob Christianson, farm editor; (?) Unidentified, Don Miller, announcer, Brad Millard, announcer.