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Object ID: 1715 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 1950
Description: Circa 1950's KNUJ or New Ulm Journal company picnic at Flandrau State Park featuring Trail Riders band
Org/Loc: New Ulm
Org/Entity: Business/Industry
Sport: z-
Team Nickname: KNUJ A.M and F.M
Gender: Undesignated
Conf/League: War Years 1941-1969
Original Type: Photo Positive
Group ID: N/A
Other Information: A combined New Ulm Journal-KNUJ picnic was held at Flandrau State Park in the 1950's, likely for an anniversary observance of KNUJ. Providing entertainment was a number of the Trail Riders musical group including, left to right, Stan Carda, Lindy Kramer (later Mr.s Carda), Patty Wiegman (sp) and ? unidentified guitar playr (Slim Jim?) who could have been a Drusch or Ubl. sitting in front are Amy Ranweiler and his wife and what appears to be children of Bill Macklin, then editor of the New Ulm Journal.