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Object ID: 2028 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 0
Description: Undated Buffalo Lake vs Danube in District 12 basketball tournament
Org/Loc: New Ulm Wide Area
Org/Entity: High School
Sport: Basketball
Team Nickname: Multiple Teams
Gender: Male
Conf/League: District 12
Original Type: Photo Negative
Group ID:
Other Information: One of the first pictures taken by expanded New Ulm Journal sports photography program in the middle 1950's. Four 4x5 negatives of outstanding player Milan Wehking shooting (22), second unidentified action picture included in this object number Crowd shot likely people from Buffalo Lake and may have appeared in Buffalo Lake News (Garland Hubin) as loan material from New Ulm Journal sports ARCHIVED AS OBJECT 2027. SCAN PLAYER #22 SHOOTING Where practical, please credit: Photo courtesy Herb Schaper/New Ulm Journal Collection and assistance of New Ulm Sports Central. This JPG image (as is) may be scanned or an upgraded and cropped and edited TIFF reproduction may be discussed with Your financial support will be appreciated