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Object ID: 2055 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 0
Description: Undated basketball action for Brownton vs Olivia.
Org/Loc: Brownton
Org/Entity: High School
Sport: Basketball
Team Nickname: Bears
Gender: Male
Conf/League: 212
Original Type: Photo Negative
Group ID: N/A
Other Information: Includes series of three action negatives, one candid of players peeking out of shower and two trophy presentation negatives. Photos appear to be taken by Herb Schaper. Date of and nature of championship activity required to be added to file. Additional photos as objects: This negative is of boys peeking out of shower and axction shots. 1. SELECT ONE NEGATIVE FOR SCAN FOR THIS FILE NUMBER. INCLUDE IDENTIFICATION ABOVE OR ON bACK 2. OF REMAINING NEGATIVES, SELECT AS MANY AS DESIRED AND ADD ONE NEGATIVE FOR EACH EXTRA SLEEVE DESIRED. CODING ETC WILL BE ADDED LATER. 3. INCLUDE DESCRIPTIONS AND IDENTIFICATION ON THOSE NEGATIVES. CREATE MORE EXTRA ENVELOPES IF NECESSARY. DO NOT WRITE ON THE PLASTIC SLEEVE. 3. LEAVE THE NON USED NEGATIVES IN THIS ENVELOPE.