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Object ID: 2091 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 19570319
Description: 1956-1957- Brownton High School basketball feature
Org/Loc: Brownton
Org/Entity: High School
Sport: Basketball
Team Nickname: Bears
Gender: Male
Conf/League: 212
Original Type: Photo Negative
Group ID:
Other Information: Feature spread on Brownton basketball team with candid pictures. Requires copy of New Ulm Journal picture article for identification. Article run on/about date of object (top) 3-19-1957 Additional photos from this event are included as object 2003. Relates to Brownton basketball. Team members gather to start the trip to the state basketball tournament. Also see objects 2003, 2051, 2090.