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Object ID: 2590 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 201309
Description: 2013 Ken Ahlness baseball pursuits biographical publication
Org/Loc: Hanska
Org/Entity: Bowling Men's Assn
Sport: Baseball
Team Nickname: Multiple Teams
Gender: Male
Conf/League: Tomahawk
Original Type: Various Resources
Group ID: N/A
Other Information: Biographical detail organized to depict the shofrt six-year baseball career of Ken Ahlness in thd 1940's. His career was ended early due to an arm injury sustained in his first professional baseball game in 1948. Biographical book includes photos and details of the pofessional debut and his baseball connections with St. James high school and with St. James in the Western Minnesota League and three years of play in the Tomahawk amateur baseball league. Includes annual summaries of the Tomahawk and Western Minnesota League seasons by year and the results of full scrap books of clippings and box scores of many of the games he participated in. Project was collaboration of New Ulm Sports Central and the wife and sons of Ahlness who left the New Ulm area in 1950 to work in the food service industry in the Twin Cities.