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Object ID: 2683 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 1989
Description: Baseball's Greatest Hits music tape recording
Org/Loc: USA National
Org/Entity: General
Sport: Baseball
Team Nickname: Multiple Teams
Gender: Undesignated
Conf/League: Multiple Entities
Original Type: Recordings
Group ID: N/A
Other Information: Selections of baseball-related music on 1989 Rhino records tape recording. Includes (Side 1) Take Me Out to the Ball Game (excerpts), Who's on First, Joltin' Joe Dimagio, Say Hi, I Love Mickey, Van Lingle Mundo, Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech, D-O-D-G-E-R-S Song, (Oh Really,No O'Malley); Move Over Babe (Here Comes Henry). (Side 2) Take Me Out to the Ball Game, (Love is Like A) Baseball Game, Willie, Micky and Duke (Talking Baseball); Tommy Lasorda Talking About Dave Kingman, Baseball Card Lover, A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request, Baseball Dreams, Bobby Thomson's Shot Heard Round the World, Casey At The Bat. Background copy in a blown up version is included with hard copy version of this object. (See object # 2684). Music is on audio tape Gehrig's speech also likely part of a special baseball movie which included the Jackie Robinson Story and the Lou Gehrig story. All of the material originally secured by Herb Schaper but extended to CRT, Inc. and the website for whatever legal use it wishes.