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Object ID: 3031 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 1934
Description: Stanley Manderfeld, one of coaches of 1934 New Ulm American Legion state baseball champions.
Org/Loc: New Ulm
Org/Entity: American Legion Baseball
Sport: Baseball
Team Nickname: Legion
Gender: Male
Conf/League: None or Undetermined
Original Type: Digital Images
Group ID:
Other Information: New Ulm American Legion baseball team which won the state championship in 1934. Member of the team was Stan Manderfeld, one of three coaches whose individual picture was created by Jim Aufderheide for the 2014 75th anniversary of Johnson Park. The team picture from which the photo was taken included: L-R, back row standing: Richard Mueller, Richard Spelbrink, Henry Raabe, Coach Hubert Lindmeyer, Coach Stanley Manderfeld, Manager H. G. Brand, Coach Howard Lindemann, Herman Raabe Jr., Harold Mueller, Raymond Manderfeld, Ronald Spelbrink. Front: Douglas Kusske, Homer Schweppe, Captain Herman Foss, mascot Harold Pechtel, Theodore Manderfeld, Robert Aufderheide.