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Object ID: 4320 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 20150531
Description: 2015 Coutland marks return to Tomahawk baseball with special day.
Org/Loc: Courtland
Org/Entity: Mn Amaeur Baseball Organization
Sport: N/A or unknown
Team Nickname: Multiple Teams
Gender: Male
Conf/League: N/A
Original Type: Photo Negative
Group ID: Courtland baseball history
Other Information: Object used in preparation of Courtland Baseball Review history flyer of 2015 gathered and produced by Myron Fluegge for Courtland Rec Association with graphics and editing assistance by Herb Schaper of New Ulm Sports Central to usher Courtland into the website history project. Lead article in Courtland Review publication reports return of Tomahawk League baseball to the Courtland community including the process the league took to re-admit the team. #Courtland baseball review #Courtland Returns to Tomahawk League #Courtland history #4 Courtland amateur baseball (1) Copy article from DVD object 4342