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Object ID: 4913 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 20160630
Description: 2016 American Legion Gold baseball team photo
Org/Loc: New Ulm
Org/Entity: American Legion Baseball
Sport: Baseball
Team Nickname: Gold
Gender: N/A
Conf/League: Multiple Entities
Original Type: Web Site Pages
Group ID: N/A
Other Information: American Legion Gold season team as prepared for Upper Midwest baseball classic. Left to right, front: Kasey Kuck, Bayler Kraus, AJ Lassas, Cooper Forbrook, Brandon Mehlhop, Connor Forbrook, Jordan Hillesheim, Austin Thordson and Alex Lund. Back row: Coach Jeremy Drexler EJ Berdan, Alex Guggisberg, Collin Helget, JT Hoffmann, Nick Fischer, Cooper Yackley, Jacob Neumann, Cole Wellmann, Ben Schumacher, Coach Mikale Gustuafson.