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Object ID: 661 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 1978
Description: 1978 VFW team season record and individual statistics.
Org/Loc: N/A
Org/Entity: N/A
Sport: N/A or unknown
Team Nickname: N/A or Unknown
Gender: N/A
Conf/League: N/A
Original Type: N/A
Group ID: N/A
Other Information: Team lost two Brainerd in state VFW tournament, losing first game. Final 11-5 record. Coach Ron Starke. Individuals based on at bats: Terry Steinbach, Brad Zetah, George Hudak III, Phil Reinking, Brian Stuckey, Jeff Stoll, Joel Keckeisen, Carl Koch, Steve Janni, Eric Wilner, Ron Schrader, Mark Thompson, Mike Ostrom.