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Object ID: 959 (Click here to view the image in a new window.)
Object Date (YYYYMMDD): 1911
Description: 1911 New Ulm city baseball team
Org/Loc: New Ulm
Org/Entity: Amateur Baseball
Sport: Baseball
Team Nickname: None or Unknown
Gender: Male
Conf/League: None or Undetermined
Original Type: Programs, Souvenir Bks Bks
Group ID: N/A
Other Information: Photo at Brown County Historical Society is of 1911 New Ulm baseball team. It was reproduced in 1989 Johnson Park anniversary book with following caption: This picture of a 1911 team included the words: "champion baseball team at Johnson Park site" written on the back. Note the home in the background of the bleachers. This would indicate the field was slightly to the east of the present diamond. The house is located at 327 N German. Individuals who are identified include, L-R, front: Capt. Miller, H. J. Klossner, Alfred Puhlmann, George Wicherski, Ora Alwin. Back: Ferd. Blick, Dr. A. C. Amann, Heine Dobbs, Bill Pfeiffer, Walter Backer, Billy Collins, Bill Lindemann and a Mayer who may have been George Mayer, son of a minister at the time. Photo courtesy Brown County Historical Society. Hard copy is from 50th anniversary book and may also be available related to varius DVD's of early baseball teams.