Bruce Jacobs, a player and also the designated media representative for the Hanska Bullheads senior baseball team has been designated as the 100th member of CRT, Inc., which is the non-profit entity powering New Ulm Sports Central. His name was selected from a group of "new" dues-paying members who joined before the 2009 memberships expired July 31. Bruce is owner of Jacobs&Meidl-Music & Christian Supply of New Ulm.

Before his name was drawn at the board meeting of CRT Wednesday night, two others also received mythical designations. Dan Thorson was set out as the 101st member and Tom Steinbach as the 99th member of the corporation. They receive bragging rights of minimal values.

The two-week promotion added 23 members to the roster which now includes 119 persons, up from 79 in 2008.

The new fiscal year starts November 1 and several have already paid 2010 memberships at this year's rate. Any memberships prepaid will be accepted at the $10.00 fee until such time as the board establishes the rate for 2010.