Stark has invited Tomahawk East League baseball teams to it first annual Halloween Flag Football tournament at the Stark ballpark Sat. Oct. 31 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Twelve to 16 teams will be accepted with the tournament offering first choice to the baseball teams of the league. Two 60-yard fields will be set up in the outfield with four pools advancing teams to the championship rounds.

Rules are comparable to national flag football league rules with minor adjustments. Brian Mathiowetz may be contacted at 507.220.6237 or at 320 Maple St. SE, Sleepy Eye 56085 or www.brian@haala.com. Entry fee is $140 per teams of seven players and three reserves. The invitation applies to Hanska, Searles, Essig and New Ulm Brewers from the immediate Sports Central area.