MANKATO — The Waseca community and baseball in general lost a good friend Monday when Todd Mann, 45, died after losing a swift battle with cancer. POSTED Thurs, Dec. 10, 2009 on Mankato Free Press website as written by Jim Rueda, Free Press Sports Editor.

A 1983 graduate of Waseca High School, Mann as a standout in football, basketball and baseball. Upon graduation he went to Des Moines College in Boone, Iowa. Two years later he transferred to Southern Mississippi to finish his college baseball career and begin graduate work.

After that he spent some time in the minor leagues and played briefly for the St. Paul Saints before returning to Waseca. He was a longtime catcher/infielder for the Waseca Braves amateur baseball team, worked for the city of Waseca, and also had stints as the head baseball coach and athletic director for the Bluejays. Mann went on to work for his father’s construction company, for Greg Larson Sports and, most recently, was a salesman for Nicklasson Athletics out of New Ulm. In September, he wasn’t feeling well and went to the doctor where they discovered a lump under his arm. A biopsy showed cancer and the disease spread quickly, first to his brain and his lungs and then just about everywhere else. He succumbed at his home Monday morning.

‘It’s hard to lose someone like Todd,” longtime friend Tink Larson said. “He was so young and such a big strapping guy.” Todd and Tink’s son, Mike Larson, became good friends when they were both about 5 years old. From that point on, Mann was almost like another member of the Larson family. “If we went up to watch the state basketball tournament, Todd went with us,” Tink said. “If we went to a ball game, Todd came, too.

“After he graduated he became my best friend, too. He was my assistant coach for a long time, and I was his assistant for awhile, too. It’s just a terrible loss. He was a great supporter of baseball in Waseca.” Mann leaves behind a 9-year-old son, Ty. The two were inseparable, Tink Larson said. “They were so close. I don’t now of any other dad who spent as much time with his son as Todd did. “The Lord has reasons for everything and you have to believe that. The Lord must have needed a catcher, and Todd is probably up there catching a doubleheader right now.”

Mann’s funeral will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday at Sacred Hearth Catholic Church in Waseca. Visitation is from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday at McRaith Funeral Home. There will be no reviewal at church.