ESSIG - For the first time in 15 years, Essig will have a new president of its Baseball Association board of directors. Harry Solma was elected to that post at Sunday's annual meeting.

He replaces veteran terry Helget who has served 11 years as president and 15 years on the board.
Helget and Jeff Juni stepped down as directors from the nine-man board which serves three-year terms. Vickie Simon agreed to re-election for another three-year term. Doug Radloff and Ryan Weier were named to the vacant positions. Juni had served for nine years.

Helget, who is also the secretary of the 12-team Tomahawk East amateur baseball league, told the membership that he felt it was a good time for him to step down.
" Most of our big projects from recent years are complete and this will give a new board member a chance to come in, learn the ropes a bit and hopefully enjoy some of the success of the Essig baseball program", he told the members.

Officers and board members include: Harry Solma, President; Steve Madsen, Vice President; Ron Domeier, Treasurer; Vickie Simon. Secretary; and the following directors: Scott Hogen, Konnie Kuck,
Doug Radloff, Chad Strei, Ryan Weier and non-board member Verne Radloff, Gambling Manager.