With a few days to go before the first anniversary, New Ulm Sports Central has passed the milestone of having 50,000 "hits" to this website.

A hit is a computer derived measure of each instance someone navigates to and opens this portal page of the website on New Ulm area sports teams, results, and history.

The site went operational at the time of the New Ulm Club's athletic banquet a year ago. Since then a number of upgrades and improvements have added to the site.

In the left column are two "search" opportunities. The top one "Search NUSC Articles" locates any of the thousands of articles, photos and documents which have been added to the site since it was started. All those are recorded for history and are indicated in the page numbers at the bottom of this column. Scroll down and click on a few numbers to see how the material was arranged chronologically.

There are over 26 pages (and counting) of headlines and brief first sentences of articles posted to the site. The usual click on the headline of those snippets will produce the entire article.

For instance, if you click on page "26" you'll see that the very first "post" was done on April 4 to announce Stan Wilfahrt's selection to the Minnesota High School athletic director's Hall of Fame.