HANSKA --- The outstanding players from the 2010 season will rumble as East vs West in the annual al-star baseball game for the Tomahawk League East Friday at Hanlin field in Hanska.

Players from both sides of Highway 4 comprise the two squads. West is made up of Lamberton, Leavenworth, Redwood Falls, Sleepy Eye, Springfield and St. James. East teams include Essig, Gibbon, Hanska, New Ulm Brewers, Searles and Stark. Bruce Woitas of Sleepy Eye will coach the West with assistance from Steve Helget of Springfield and Dave Krause of St. James. Jeremy Drexler of Hanska will be assisted by Steve Kloeckl, Searles, for the East.

Dick Jonckowski, a guest speaker and emcee for various baseball events, will be the featured public address announcer. Jonckowski often refers to his glory days in Minnesota baseball as a bat boy for Fairmont in the old Western Minnesota League. His introduction of players and starting lineup may need to begin well before the 8 p.m. start for the game.

Hosting the All-Star game by Hanska is a joint effort by Mikale Gustafson, manager Jeremy Drexler, and board president Rick Wellmann and as Mikale says, "many more helpers from the community of Hanska."

Lamplighter Sports Bar and Grill and Schells Brewing Company will join the Hanska Baseball Association as sponsors of the event.

Players named include:
LAMBERTON LONG SOX - Landon Erickson, Jake Wahl. LEAVENWORTH ORIOLES - Billy Cook, Derek Skovbroten, Andy Schwartz, Brian Schwartz. REDWOOD FALLS REDBIRDS - Elliott Serbus, Adam Helling, Erich Panitzke.

SLEEPY EYE INDIANS - Joey Walter, Cody Nachreiner, Derek Nachreiner. SPRINGFIELD TIGERS - Matt Baier, Jake Miesen, Alex Frank. ST. JAMES A'S - Shea Roehrkasse, Justin Kaus, Dave Krause.

ESSIG BLUEJAYS - Jason Schmitz, Dustin Fleck, Kyle Helget, Brad Hillesheim. GIBBON REDS - Jon DeRock, Justin Schwecke, Ryan Panning. HANSKA LAKERS - Landon Rathmann, Brady Mosenden, Eric Portner, Gary wilfhart Jr.

NEW ULM BREWERS - Zack More, Luke Altman, Taylor Rolloff, Wade French. SEARLES GRIZZLIES - Scott Knisley, Steve Kloeckl, Mike Anderson, Casey Lux. STARK LONGHORNS - Jake Mangen, Craig Fischer, Joey Wahl.