Three players representing former New Ulm state champion VFW age baseball teams helped send off the New Ulm Junior Legion team to the state tournament starting Thursday in Austin at 11 a.m. The players met Wednesday before departing and heard present day baseball people who were on state champion VFW teams. A banquet Wednesday night will host all the tournament participants.

Greeting the team at the Wednesday morning practice were Ken Brueske, Bryce Boelter and Doug Bode, all of whom were on New Ulm's previous state champion teams. Boelter and Bode were on the VFW teams while Brueske was a player on the 1952 New Ulm Midgets which won the state Aquatennial title. Brueske later was manager of the state amateur champion Kaiserhoff team. The Junior Legion Season Summary includes pictures of the event on page 18.

Coach Bob Skillings said the trio did a " fabulous job of sharing their thoughts about playing on a champion
team and the qualities needed to be a champion team. Skillings felt his charges benefited greatly from the visit of the former champions.