Playoff baseball in recent years has for the most part been about position seeding and drafting rights. But tonight at Johnson Park its for the marbles. The winner of the Searles and New Ulm Brewers game goes to the state tournament.

Searles will be the home team.

The winner will also play one or two more games against Essig for the first and second place awards in the Section 2C tournament. Those are scheduled Saturday and Sunday with the first game either at the winner of tonight's contest. Both have higher seeds than Essig which qualified for the state days ago.

New Ulm reached this playoff status by beating Lamberton Wednesday night , one of the section's two state tournament entrants last year.

The Lamberton site contains remarks about the game and a box score for Lamberton. Click Here

The New Ulm Journal report of the game in Friday's website is Here

After tonight, the two surviving teams will be able to add one more pitcher or catcher to their roster for the state tournament, selecting from Stark, Lamberton and whichever team loses tonight. The champion will get the first pick.