The number of bowling perfect games in New Ulm has now grown to 20 as additional documentation underscores the importance of verifying achievements. The information regarding a series of 300 games recently provides another example of why New Ulm Sports Central was originally developed to preserve past and present history. (See attachment below for current 300 list)

Before NUSC got involved, no recent list of 300 games bowled on local alleys were available. Two major references wee unavailable and were feared lost as extensive research of Carl Wyczawski and Jeff Rose were not immediately located.

Wyczawski says he loaned his work to someone for a presentation at the annual bowling banquet and it has not been returned nor does he recall who received the information. Jeff Rose compiled a series of reports for a website that was discontinued and turned his material over to the New Ulm Bowling Association. Some may now have been located as bowling enthusiasts contribute information.

Some of the information included in a New Ulm Journal by-line story by Jim Bastian has been adjusted.

The first officially sanctioned 300 game was actually rolled by Gene Tauer who did it March 17, 1942. Harry Woerner followed him two weeks later with his 300. Old records had incorrectly given credit to Woerner for the first 300.

The total now stands at 20 rather than 21 since George Walden's 300 was non-sanction in 1961 and joins several other records achieved in non-official bowling.

The 300 games have reported and have extensive details. One, for instance, ran up 26 strikes in 23 frames in setting a high series record in addition to bowling the 300 game. In another instance one bowler had 15 straight strikes in league competition but didn't bowl a 300.

Those trivia-type records were developed mostly from the box score of the games bowled by the bowlers since 1997.

Donna Luepke, the new association secretary, will join the serve for additional information when her current employment requirements subside. In the meantime NUSC will soon begin linking the averages and honors awards on the United States Bowling Congress national website to New Ulm Sports Central for easy access. Those records, however, are more recent.

Data as gathered is included in the PDF attachment below. The report includes references to non-sanctioned perfect games and other information.

New Ulm Bowling 300 Games Record.pdf315.89 KB
New Ulm Bowling 300 Games Record.pdf316.91 KB