Searles split Tomahawk League games Sunday with a win over Gibbon and a loss to Lamberton.

Drew Wenninger was the winner in a 5-1 triumph over Gibbon. Sam Van Hon was the loser. Mike Anderson with 3 for 4 and an RBI and Steve Kloeckl with 2-4 and an RBI lead Searles. Check Gibbon at right for details for the Reds.

Mike Anderson was the loser to Lamberton 7-4. Kyle Fischer and Mike Anderson both had 2-4 with Kyle adding and RBI. Colby Pack and Mike Samyn each went 3-5 for Lamberton with Colby the winning pitcher. Lamberton site at right will have additional details.

The results pulled Lamberton within a game in the American Division and left Searles a game back of Stark in the Nationl. Searles, however, is a half game ahead of the Hanska Lakers in the National Division.