Shakopee Chiefs pitcher Craig Baumann dominated the Searles Bullheads Friday evening in Searles.

Baumann scattered 10 Bullheads hits and fanned 14 IN a complete game 13-3 victory. His teammates banged out 12 off Bullhead pitchers Dave Fauth and Kyle Messner and were also aided by eight base-on-balls. Fauth, the starting and losing pitcher, allowed six earned runs and six walks in four innings of mound work.

The Bullheads had a brief 1-0 lead on a John Giefer double in the 3rd inning, but Shakopee took advantage of Fauth's wildness and scored seven runs on three hits and six walks in the fourth. The Bullheads answered back with two in their half of the inning on a Scott Schaefer solo home run and singles from Doug Ekstrom, Kevin Hulke, and Messner making the score 7-3. However, that was the end of the scoring for Searles, and the Chiefs then put the game away with a two run sixth and a four run seventh inning off of Messner.
The Bullheads (7-5) will host Bloomington Sunday at 3:00.

Shakopee Chiefs 000 702 4 13/12/0 LOB - 7
Searles Bullheads 001 200 0 3/10/1 LOB - 9

SC- Baumann (W) and ?, SB - Fauth (L), Messner 5th, and Schaefer.
2B - Messner, Giefer, S. Schaefer (SB). Brown, Baumann, VanBerger, Windschitl (SC)
HR - S. Schaefer

Submitted by: Bruce Jacobs - Searles Bullheads media rep.