SLEEPY EYE --- With championship games in the south half of District 2 scheduled today, the field is emerging for the District 2 VFW tournament at Sleepy Eye starting Thursday.

Half of the teams are qualified although they are not designated as either champion or runner-up until after games today at Hanska and Fairmont sub-districts. New Ulm Junior Legion meets Fairmont at Fairmont while at Hanska undefeated Hutchinson plays Glencoe. Winners and runner-ups also will come from sub-districts in the metro area.

The District is hosted by Sleepy Eye with games also at Stark.

Thursday first round action includes:

10 a.m. - Northwest runner up vs Northeast champion. 1 p.m. - Southwest winner vs southeast runner up. 4 p.m. Northwest winner vs northeast runner up. 7 p.m. Southeast winner vs Southwest runner up.

Friday's pairings will feature three games at Stark and three at Sleepy Eye. After Saturday's action, the championship game will be played at 2 p.m. Sunday at Sleepy Eye.

New Ulm Jr. Legion, which is one of four teams known to have qualified, is the defending champion.