JORDAN --- For the first four innings Wednesday evening, Searles Bullheads ace Terry Steinbach and Jordan Millers starter Chris Beaner and John Noonan (entering in fifth) were locked in a scoreless pitcher's duel at the Mini-Met.

In home half of the fifth, Jordan took the lead as Bryon Schroeder led off with a base hit, stole second, and then scored on a throwing error by the catcher on the next hitter.

The Bullheads retaliated immediately by scoring three runs on five hits. Troy Kamm opened with a double. Base hits by John Giefer, Mike Marquardt, Marc Max, and Corey Schaefer accounted for the three Searles scores. Steinbach then shut down the Millers in the final two frames.

The Bullheads were scheduled to host Union Hill this Friday evening, but that game has been postponed to a later date.

Searles Bullheads ... 000-003-0 --- 3/7/1 LOB-7
Jordan Millers ......... 000-010-0 --- 1/2/2 LOB-4
Steinbach and S. Schaefer. J- Beaner, Noonan (L) and Noyes
2B- Kamm.
Submitted by: Bruce Jacobs - Searles Bullheads media rep.