Sleepy Eye joined the Tomahawk's Region 2C field Wednesday night with a third-game 9-0 win over Gibbon while Lamberton and Hanska were winning draft priorities.

**** Printable 8.5x11 bracket in attachment link below ****

The regional is scheduled to start Saturday with Searles at Hanska at 8 .m. and Leavenworth at Lamberton at 3 p.m. the Searles/Hanska winner plays at Sleepy Eye Sunday at 7:30 and the Searles/Hanska loser pays the Leavenworth/Lamberton loser at 2 p.m. at the highest seed. Outcomes will determine other games.

Sleepy Eye was warded the #1 seed as a result of beating Hanska twice during the regular season. Hanska was seeded second, Lamberton third, Leavenworth fourth and Searles fifth.

In the draft after the games Wednesday, the selections were: Ty Kaus of St. James by Sleepy Eye, Caleb Hillesheim of Stark by Hanska, Jordan Milbrath of Springfield by Lamberton, Alex Fink of Springfield by Leavenworth and Craig Fischer of Stark by Searles.

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