1959 NUHS team will gather for 54th Anniversary

The 1959 New Ulm High School state tournament baseball team will gather for an anniversary reunion in New Ulm later this year if plans are finalized shortly.

Plans are for Aug. 9-11 with number of activities on an informal basis. The three members who have passed away are Nils Iverson, Wenzel Wiesner and Gary Carlson.

Dave Silcox is working on the arrangements that will likely be attended by Silcox, Ken Cordes, Orville Ulrich, Karl Preuss, Dennis Sperl, Mike Olson, Glenn Plagge, Steve Marquardt, Gary Storm and Jerry Dannheim. Mike Young has a long-standing family obligation as conflict.

Silcox's email is nuklm59@hotmail.com or at 602.391.0886.