Minnesota Baseball Greats



Text Box: Picture to be added  New Ulm HALL OF FAME Member

James (Jim) Bastian

Non-Player (Board Member, Media)

Selected 2000

           Jim has been a member of the New Ulm Baseball board for 20 years, first from 1973 to 1978 and then from 1985 until the present date. He has worked as the public address announcer, the scoreboard keeper, and in the concession stand and ticket booth.

           Bastian served as secretary of the baseball board for eight years and as president for seven. He also assisted with the 50th anniversary of Johnson Park celebration as well as with the 1990 state amateur baseball tournament which took place in New Ulm.

           As a part-time reporter for the New Ulm Journal, Bastian has given much positive publicity to the local high school, Legion and amateur baseball teams. He continues to serve as a strong booster with a positive attitude towards New Ulm baseball.

           Jim has done the leg work for many special nights at Johnson Park in the past three years, and he also served as one of the front men on the board in the project of the park restoration in 1997 and 1998.


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