Guiding Minnesota Baseball Greats
Minnesota Baseball Greats provides an opportunity to recognize the great achievements of the game in and by those who have been associated with Minnesota baseball.
The governance of this website is guided by the documentation outlined in our mission, goals and policy as follows.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to recognize and honor the individuals and events that created the outstanding and most memorable achievements of Minnesota baseball history.
Our Goals
I. To create and maintain an electronic medium to insure that the great achievement of individuals and events of Minnesota baseball will be available at the any-time convenience of all persons any place, world-wide. This permanent memorial is established to honor those who have made major contributions to the game, recognizing their performance on the playing fields as the true measure of greatness and to consider the above and beyond support non-players have provided
II. To create opportunities to honor amateur, semi-pro, professional, VFW, American Legion, high school and senior League baseball greats with website and other public recognition.
III. To provide convenient linkage to other web sites of related state and national baseball organizations.
IV. To utilize current technology to conduct its affairs.
1. Minnesota Baseball Greats (MBG) will be operated as a private entity with counsel of a group of baseball advisors as an advisory board to assist in the development, guidance and governance of the program.
2. MBG will not be operated for personal financial gain. However, financial stewardship will be exercised to ensure it's continuance. Fees will be solicited to provide funding in order to maintain first-class and constantly improving site operations, assist the accomplishment of it's mission and goals, and be available for future endeavors that may be appropriate to enhance the purpose of the organization.
3. MGB will not be officially affiliated with historical agencies, individual historians, or other baseball organizations except as they may inspire mutually beneficial cooperation and exchanges of information.
4. MBG will promote Minnesota baseball by making Internet links available to reciprocating sites under guidelines to be developed by the advisory board and the coordinator.
5. MBG will place major emphasis on players, coaches and managers but will also create meaningful and appropriate recognition of non-players and media as volunteers serving baseball at any level. MBG will strive for a ratio for players to non-playing individuals of at least 4 to 1.