New Ulm HALL OF FAME Member
Donald Lowinske
Non-Player (Board Member)
Selected 1993
A long career as an officer and board member support the
nomination of Donald Lowinske to the New Ulm Amateur Baseball
Hall of Fame in the non-player category.
served on the New Ulm baseball board from 1974 through 1986 and was an activist on the board.
During his tenure, he served seven years as president and five years
as a league representative or alternate.
service as
president ran from 1976 through 1982, and he started his involvement in the
Tomahawk League as an alternate delegate in 1975. Lowinske
served as an official Tomahawk League representative for four years, from
1983 through 1986.
His seven
years as president is one of the longest consecutive terms in the
history of the NUBA.
