New Ulm HALL OF FAME Member
Leo Reinhart
Non-Player (Supporter)
Selected 1991
Baseball Batting Stats Page
Leo Reinhart contributed over a half century of involvement to New Ulm amateur baseball.
Although is
playing career dates back to 1934 at the fairgrounds, his selection
is based on his contributions to the games as a non-player.
He served
as chairman of the New Ulm Amateur Baseball Hall of Fame Committee,
was the assistant treasurer for the 1990 state amateur tournament
which was held in New Ulm, and was a member of the 50th Johnson Park anniversary
Leo sold
tickets for 1974, 1983, 1985, 1988 and 1989 Legion state and
regional tournaments and was always available to help where
needed. In addition, he was a great fan.
Leo served as director of New Ulm baseball association for four
years from 1962-1965.
Reinhart co-managed the
1940 New Ulm Millers and was an outfielder with the 1938 league playoff
champion New Ulm Hawks and the 1941 Brown County regular season and
playoff champion Millers. The Millers won 12-straight before losing
to the Brewers in the regional. As player, Leo had a lifetime .284 average
with 54 hits and 32 runs-batted in for his three years on record.
He also hit into the first triple play at Johnson Park.