New Ulm HALL OF FAME Member
Jess Roiger
Non-Player (Director, Special Support)
Selected 1996
Harbingers of spring the world over may be more recognized, but when
Jess Roiger climbs atop the roof at Johnson Park as the last snow
disappears, you can be sure that spring --- and baseball --- cannot
be far behind.
For 20
years, since 1977, Jess Roiger has been working in a number of
capacities for New Ulm
amateur, high school and American Legion baseball. His dedication to manning the scoreboard
controls, however, has earned him the honors of a place
in the New ulm amateur baseball Hall of Fame.
20 years of service prior to his induction, Roiger missed but a handful of
games for not only the amateur teams but also for high school and Legion ball as well.
He ran
the scoreboard operations during the state and regional amateur and
Legion tournaments, the Upper Midwest Legion Classic, and the Junior
Upper Midwest Legion Classic.
Roiger has helped sell tickets and was accustomed to put up and take
down the American flag at countless games. He resides at 806 North
Washington and has also served the Catholic Order of Foresters as
recording secretary.