New Ulm HALL OF FAME Member
Herb Schaper
Non-Player (Officer, Director, Promoter)
Selected 1991
Schaper has been involved in New Ulm amateur baseball for seven decades, from
1940's to the present.
Herb served as the president of the New Ulm board for seven
years after serving two years as its secretary. At that time, only Frank Tauscheck
had served as president longer (11 years).
Schaper championed the fight to relight Johnson
Park after its lights were torn down in 1966, and he promoted
the game throughout the area as the
New Ulm Journal sports editor and a KNUJ sports announcer. Herb
published the "Who's Who in Western Minnesota League" books
and organized and chaired Softball King Eddie Feigne's appearance
against area baseball all-stars.
Herb got his start in baseball as a
ball shagger and ice cream hawker. He advanced to become the
New Ulm Miller's team scorer in 1949, and he soon added official scoring, public
address duties, and stats keeping to his resume.
Schaper also championed the cause of preserving New Ulm's historical
baseball tradition through the use of data, and he created the
Minnesota Baseball Greats website when he was 74 years old.
Herb chaired the 50th Anniversary of Johnson Park
Baseball Commemorative Committee and has served as the organizer,
secretary, executive director, and treasurer of the Hall of Fame
committee. Schaper also chaired the New Ulm committee which
attempted to secure the Minnesota Baseball
Hall of Fame in New Ulm, and he was the public relations and
promotion committee chairman for two state amateur tournaments held in New Ulm.
was the secretary of the Great West baseball
league in 1960 and the league director of the Minnesota River, Western
Minnesota, and Tomahawk Leagues.