Minnesota Baseball Greats



Text Box: Picture to be added  New Ulm HALL OF FAME Member

Martin H. (Marty) Steffel

Non-Player (Director, Support)

Selected 1994

          Involvement on and off the field added up to a total dedication to New Ulm amateur baseball for Martin "Marty" Steffel.

          Starting as a bat boy in the 1950's, Steffel worked his way up the ladder by doing field preparation, score keeping, public address announcing, sports writing and ultimately serving on the New Ulm Baseball Association board, including two years as president. He currently is a member of the Hall of Fame committee.

          In 1959 he co-managed the Millers with Bob Knight, and during his six-year tenure on the board of NUBA he served as president, vice president, secretary, and Ara Wilson League alternate representative.

          Steffel was involved in organizing the Kaiserhoff team in 1969 after New Ulm had only one club for five years.

He did public address work for Legion and amateur ball in New Ulm, including regional and state tournaments, and was an active worker both during Johnson Park's 50th anniversary celebration in 1989 and in New Ulm's bid for the state baseball Hall of Fame museum.

Marty is particularly proud of the fact that in 1970 the NUBA showed black ink and erased all past debts, some as far back as the late 1950's.





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