New Ulm HALL OF FAME Member
Stanton Wilfahrt
Selected 1989
Baseball Batting Stats Page
Stan Wilfahrt was honored by being selected to inaugural group of inductees
into the New Ulm Baseball Hall of Fame during Johnson Park's 50th Anniversary celebration in 1989.
Wilfhart was a
long-time infielder and outfielder for the New Ulm Brewers. In a
career which began when he was only 15 years old, Stan played in 342 games. He was a Brewer from 1941-48, except for
two war years, and again from 1951-54. He also played for the
Millers in 1941. Wilfahrt posted a career .290 average and scored 297 runs.
He had five homeruns, 29 triples, 55 doubles, and 156 RBI.
