1950 New Auburn Sibley County
League Champions
It was a proud
bunch that won the 1950 Sibley County League championship
for New Auburn. This picture hung in Trixie's Bar for many
years and was rescued when the bar burned so this history
could be saved. The team had to win the title twice after a
protest caused the title game to be replayed against
Klossner. Other teams in the league were Gaylord, Henderson,
Gibbon, St. George, Rush River and Winthrop.
Bat boys are
Dale and Wayne Rischmiller. Kneeling, L-R, manager
Eddie Mueller, Melvin Witthus, Donnie Jahnke, Charles Ponath,
Alvin Mueller, Lloyd Lipke and Elroy Hopp. Standing:
Marlyn Barfknecht, Eugene Grewe, Earl Witthus, Ronnie
Ortloff, Vic Mackenthun and Gib Barfknecht. Not on the
picture are Joe Bell, Melvin Winter, Lyle Winterfelt, LeRoy
Hahn and Hillard Alseben. |